The Antigua Classic Yacht Regatta

30th Anniversary 2017

I volunteered as an official photographer for the event. This gave me a chance to participate in many of the events on the dock and out on the water. The events started on Thursday Morning with the Concours d'Elegance or the judging the best turned out yachts.

Dock Side Activities


Concours d'Elegance

My job was to follow the judges areound and photograph some of the features of the boats that the judges deemed noteworthy. The bright work was spotless and the boats were polished to the last inch of their lives. It was nice to see these boats close up.

Never did find out who the winner was. In my book the real winers were the many workers who labored to bring these boats to their perfection. They should be getting the award.


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Concours d'Elegance, Classic Race Yacht Regatta, English Harbor, Antigua
Concours d'Elegance, Classic Race Yacht Regatta, English Harbor, Antigua
Concours d'Elegance, Classic Race Yacht Regatta, English Harbor, Antigua
Concours d'Elegance, Classic Race Yacht Regatta, English Harbor, Antigua

On the Water


Single Handed Race

I joined Roy on the sailing vessel "Guiding Light" along with Susie who was the "safety observer". We had a grand time and I was able to get some good pictures. Unfortunately got to watch a "demasting". Not sure what happened, but their mast failed at the first spreader.

Race One

Went out with Morgan on his boat to watch the race. Good seat to see the start and turning points. The seas were moderate to calm and the winds were mild. So we were able to witness some excellent racing. The big boats were spectacular as always.

Race Two

Went out again on Nivarina to watch the races. More wind and spray. An exciting time was had. Lots of spectator boats, helicopters, and other in the shot.

Parade of Yachts

We sat up on the parapit of the fort west of English Harbor entrance and watched the boats return from the last race. Not as spectacular as prior years as the boats had to pass the reviewing stand and then "med moor" to the docks at English Harbor. Lots of confusion and not a few props grabbed loose lines. Did not stay to see the last of the boats as the sun was hot and the beer was calling.

Single Handed Race, Off English Harbor, Antigua
Single Handed Race, Off English Harbor, Antigua
Roy on Guiding Light, Single Handed Race, Off English Harbor, Antigua
Roy on Guiding Light, Single Handed Race, Off English Harbor, Antigua
Wild Horses, Race One, Off English Harbor, Antigua
Wild Horses, Race One, Off English Harbor, Antigua
Samara, Race Two, Off English Harbor, Antigua
Samara, Race Two, Off English Harbor, Antigua
Heron getting straightened away, Parade of Yachts,  English Harbor, Antigua
Heron getting straightened away, Parade of Yachts, English Harbor, Antigua

Shore Side Activities

As always there was a lot of things going on ashore and afloat. We went out on Morgan's boat to watch several of the races and it provided an excellent platform to photograph the races. John on Out of Africa organized several barbiques, South African style.

John and the ladies on Morgan's boat for the first race, Foulmouth Harbor, Antigua.
John and the ladies on Morgan's boat for the first race, Foulmouth Harbor, Antigua.

Antigua Race Week

Had not intended to attend Antigua Race week for a variety of reasons, but as i was returning to Falmouth Harbor, I encountered the race as it was rounding the leeward mark. A lot of craziness as it tried to steer the boat, avoiding race boats, and take pictures all at the same time.

The race fleet bearing down on the leeward mark. Antigua Race Week, Antigua
The race fleet bearing down on the leeward mark. Antigua Race Week, Antigua