Scenic or Art Photography

Most of the pictures we take are documentary in nature. They show a group of people at dinner or perhaps a bird we have seen. But we occasionally get the opportunity to take a picture as an object of art. The major goal of the pictures is to evoke an emotion. It may be beauty, pleasure, or any other strong emotion.

People or Groups

I am not a good portrait photographer, but occasionally I find a subject that speaks to me on some level. Usually a person I see as i am passing by.

Mother and Child, Carib Indian Reservation, Dominica
Mother and Child, Carib Indian Reservation, Dominica
Mother and Child, Carib Indian Reservation, Dominica
Mending Nets, Dominica

Scenic and Landscape

It is always easy to find a photogenic settings in the Eastern Caribbean. Sunrises and sunsets are often populated with interesting clouds or light effects. Rainbows frequently accompany the shower or squall. Sailboats make idea foregrounds or backgrounds for the many colorful islands. A wide-angle view is very often interesting.


Landscapes are easy to take. Good ones are much harder. The art of landscape photography is something that is learned over many years of practice. Photographers like Ansel Adams perfected the art. but, with patience and a few fundamentals one can get a pleasing landscape photo.


Runes of the main house, Château Dubuque, Martinique.
Deep Bay, Antigua

Sunsets and Sunrises

With the clear sky, we often don't have the spectacular red sunsets of the US, but with dust from the Sahara Desert we do at times. The clear sky also occasionally provide an opportunity a green flash. In the eastern Caribbean we are often at anchor with a clear horizon to the west. So sunsets are often spectacular.

Rainbows and Storm Clouds

With the frequent rains on most of the tropical islands rainbows are many and varied. Double bows are seen often.


With the many races and regattas, we get ample opportunities to get classic pictures of boats under sail. For me, the Antigua Classic has provided many ideal subjects. See - Antigua Classic.

Moon and Stars

The moon and stars under night passage are spectacular. However, a sailboat makes a poor platform for photography at night. it is better to take pictures from the dock or at anchor using multiple exposures.

Sunset Under Sail
Sunrise on a frosty morning in Solomons, Maryland