Portfolio - 2018
Best Pictures from this year
It is always a hard choice to pick the photographs that I like the best and it is even harder to anticipate what others may like. These are some of my favorites for this year.
Other favorites can be found on my site - HERE
Picture 1 -
An arch at the restoration of Chateau Dubuc, Martinique.
The stone work created an interesting pattern.
Canon 1DX, 55 mm, f14, 1/400 sec, ISO 2500
Picture 2 -
A Bananaquit at the Banana Museum, Martinique.
One of my favorate spots. Lots of interesting birds and plants.
Canon 1DX, 400 mm, f8, 1/1000 sec, ISO 1000
Picture 3 -
Purple-throated Carib, Jardin de Balata (botanical gardens), Martinique
While waiting for the rain to stop, I was attracted to the hummingbird feeder close to the enterance.
Canon 1DX, 105 mm, f7.1, 1/2500 sec, ISO 5000
Picture 4 -
Water Lillies in the Rain.
A rainy later afternoon visit to the Jardin de Balata (botanical gardens), provided some interesting pictures.
Canon 1DX, 105 mm, f9, 1/320 sec, ISO 2500
Picture 5 -
A Red Dragonfly
Taken on the top of a long climb to the top of a local hill. Saint Anna, Martinique
Canon 6D, 300 mm, f7.1, 1/320 sec, ISO 200
Picture 6 -
A view from the top of a Hill near Saint Anna, Martinique.
It was a long hot climb but worth the view.
Canon 6D, 70 mm, f7.1, 1/320 sec, ISO 100
Picture 7 -
Yola Racing off Sainte Anne
We were treated to several days of Yola racing through the anchorage in Sainte Anne, Martinique. I am sure the racers did not appreciate the anchored boats, but it gave us a great front row seat.
Canon 1DX, 400 mm, f8, 1/800 sec, ISO 160
Picture 8 -
Five Pan Bands Festival
Jesse arranged a visit to watch five of the best pan bands preform. A great evening of music and an opertunity to watch the interaction between the pan players.
Canon 1DX, 300 mm, f5.6, 1/250 sec, ISO 640
Picture 9 -
Purple Honeycreeper - female
Taken at Asa Wright Nature Center during my anual visit. The bush was not far off the porch and provided a excellent view of many of the birds.
Canon 1DX, 400 mm, f7.1, 1/2000 sec, ISO 4000
Picture 10 -
Mimosa Flowers
I grew up with Mimosas being ornimatal flowers in gardens, but it was not until i reached the tropics i saw them "on the hoof" so to speak. Tanken at Asa Wright Nature Center, Trinidad
Canon 1DX, 400 mm, f6.3, 1/1250 sec, ISO 250
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