Portfolio - 2019

Best Pictures from this year

It is always a hard choice to pick the photographs that I like the best of more than 3 or 4 thousand in a year and it is even harder to anticipate what others may like. These are some of my favorites for this year in no particular order.

Other favorites can be found on my site - HERE

Picture 1 -

Carnival 2019, Main Parade, Port of Spain, Trinidad

I liked the texture and colors in this shot. The parade was very crowded and often all I could get was a head shot.

Canon 1DX, 400 mm, f5.6, 1/500 sec, ISO 640


Picture 2 -

Carnival 2019, Main Parade, Port of Spain, Trinidad

The crowd cleared for a moment to allow me to take this picture. I am not sure what her expression is about. Likly a long day, hot and a very heavy costume.

Canon 1DX, 400 mm, f5.6, 1/500 sec, ISO 100


Picture 3 -

Painted Turtle on a Log, Everglades National Park, Florida

A long hike through the park near noon. Few creatures were about in the July heat. Found the turtle in a patch of sun in a shady pond.

Canon 6D, 400 mm, f8, 1/800 sec, ISO 5000


Picture 4 -

Male Tufted Coquette, Asa Wright Nature Center

In all the years I have been going to Asa Wright, I have only seen the female tufted coquette. Due to their quick movements, they are very difficult subjects to photograph. This year I was determined to see the male. With some help from some excellent spotters, I was rewarded by seeing and photographing two. The early hour and low light levels made it a chalange for this fast moving hummingbird.

Canon 1DX, 400 mm, f10, 1/1250 sec, ISO 25,600


Picture 5 -

Red Dragonfly, Asa Wright Nature Center, Trinidad

While clomping about in the woods looking for more bird pictues I came upon the dragonfly posing on a branch.

Canon 1DX, 400 mm, f10, 1/1250 sec, ISO 1250


Picture 6 -

Blue and Yellow Macaw in Flight, near La Brea, Trinidad

We were out on a guided photography trip with Rodger Neckles. He took us to a place where he knew there were Macaws. Sure enough we found a group of nine. Watched them for about 45 minutes. Was able to catch one coming in for a landing.

Canon 1DX, 400 mm, f5.6, 1/1600 sec, ISO 2000


Picture 7 -

Green-rumped Parrotlet

Later on the same Rodger Neckles tour, we spotted a Parrotlet on an Okra plant. One of the smaller members of the parrot family. There was a large flock of them feeding on the okra. First time I had seen this parrot.

Canon 1DX, 360 mm, f6.3, 1/640 sec, ISO 1600


Picture 8 -

Little Blue Heron, Caroni Swamp, Trinidad

While waiting for the boat to get ready to take us out to see the Scarlet Ibis, I poked around in the bushes. Suprised a Little Blue Heron watching the canal for dinner.

Canon 1DX, 400 mm, f10, 1/250 sec, ISO 12800


Picture 9 -

Scarlet Ibis in flight, Caroni Swamp, Trinidad

Thousands of Scarlet Ibis come in to roost ever evening to a mangrove island in the Caroni Swamp. I have gone out to watch and photograph them on a number of occasions. But, the pictures have been less than spectacular. I finally found the right combination of exposure to capture the birds against the bright sky.

Canon 1DX, 400 mm, f7.1, 1/2000 sec, ISO 640


Picture 10 -

Trinidad All Stars, Port of Spain, Trinidad

We went out to a pan band concert this fall. A number of bands played, but the All Stars used a smoke machine. The combination of lights and the smoke made a great effect.

Canon 1DX, 300 mm, f6.3, 1/180 sec, ISO 3200


Please click on an image to see a larger version or to see related pictures.

Picture 1 - Carnival 2019, Main Parade, Port of Spain, Trinidad.
Picture 1 - Carnival 2019, Main Parade, Port of Spain, Trinidad.
Picture 2 - Carnival 2019, Main Parade, Port of Spain, Trinidad.
Picture 2 - Carnival 2019, Main Parade, Port of Spain, Trinidad.
Picture 3 - Painted Turtle on a Log, Everglades National Park, Florida.
Picture 3 - Painted Turtle on a Log, Everglades National Park, Florida.
Picture 4 - Male Tufted Coquette, Asa Wright Nature Center.
Picture 4 - Male Tufted Coquette, Asa Wright Nature Center.
Picture 5 - Red Dragonfly, Asa Wright Nature Center, Trinidad
Picture 5 - Red Dragonfly, Asa Wright Nature Center, Trinidad
Picture 6 - Blue and Yellow Macaw in Flight, near La Brea, Trinidad.
Picture 6 - Blue and Yellow Macaw in Flight, near La Brea, Trinidad.
Picture 7 - Green-rumped Parrotlet.
Picture 7 - Green-rumped Parrotlet.
Picture 8 - Little Blue Heron, Caroni Swamp, Trinidad.
Picture 8 - Little Blue Heron, Caroni Swamp, Trinidad.
Picture 9 - Scarlet Ibis in flight, Caroni Swamp, Trinidad.
Picture 9 - Scarlet Ibis in flight, Caroni Swamp, Trinidad.
Picture 10 - Trinidad All Stars, Port of Spain, Trinidad.
Picture 10 - Trinidad All Stars, Port of Spain, Trinidad.