S/V Wild Matilda - Sailing and Photography

Single Side Band Nets of Interest to the Cruisers in the Eastern Caribbean

Summer Time Schedule (Daylight Savings Time in the US)

Time UTC (GMT) Time AST (UTC-4) Frequency Primary/secondary Name
10:00 6:00 6.215 Caribbean (Uncontrolled 1000-1200)
10:00 6:00 4.045 & 8137 Caribbean Weather (WX) Center (Chris Parker), Bahamas and E Caribbean
10:30 6:30 3.855 Caribbean Weather - Eric Mackie 9Z4CP Net control
10:30 6:30 3.815 Caribbean Emergency & Weather 
11:30 7:30 8.137 & 12.350 Caribbean Weather (WX) Center (Chris Parker), US E Coast & W Atlantic
11:00 7:00 7.25 Caribbean MM Net  (George KP2G - No net on Sunday)
11:45 7:45 7.268 Water Way / Cruising Club
12:00 8:00 8.170 / 8.146 / 8.164 Coconut Telegraph (not on the air from 1 July to 1 Nov)
12:15 8:15 8.104 SSCA (Seven Seas Crusing Assn). (call-sign KPK) & the Caribbean Safety and Security Net.
12:30 8:30 8.152  / 8.146 / 8.164 Cruiseheimers Net Summer
12:30 8:30 8.137 & 12.350 Caribbean Weather (WX) Center (Chris Parker), E Caribbean
13:00 9:00 21.4 Trans Atlantic
13:00 9:00 7.083 Central American Breakfast Club (Must be South of 20 deg. N to use this Freq.)
14:00 10:00 6.209 / 6.212 / 6.516 NW Caribbean (6.209 Primary; 6.212 / 6.516 Secondary)
20:30 16:30 7.086 Waterway Cocktail & Weather Net (George)
22:00 18:00 6.209 / 6.212 / 6.516 Caribbean vessels underway evening check-in
22:35 18:35 3.815 Caribbean Emergency & Weather Net


  • Origional data due to Dock Side Radio, listings have been edited and updated by me. All errors are mine.
  • Ham Frequencies are indicated by Red.
  • Chris Parker transmits on both frequencies indicated (Simulcast)
  • All marine frequencies are USB. Ham frequencies above 8 MHz are USB (otherwise LSB)

Winter Time Schedule (No Daylight Savings Time in the US)

Time UTC (GMT) Time AST (UTC-4) Frequency Primary/secondary Name
10:00 6:00 6.215 Caribbean (Uncontrolled 1000-1200)
10:30 6:30 3.855 Trinidad Emergency Net - Eric Mackie 9Z4CP
10:30 6:30 3.815 Caribbean Emergency & Weather Net
11:00 7:00 7.25 Caribbean Maritime Mobile (George KP2G - No net on Sunday)
11:00 7:00 4.045 & 8.137 Caribbean Weather (WX) Center (Chris Parker), E Caribbean
12:00 8:00 8.170 / 8.146 / 8.164 Coconut Telegraph
12:15 8:15 8.104 SSCA (Seven Seas Crusing Assn). (call-sign KPK) & the Caribbean Safety and Security Net.
12:30 8:30 8.137 & 12.350 Caribbean Weather (WX) Center (Chris Parker), US E Coast & W Atlantic
12:45 8:45 7.268 Water Way / Cruising Club
13:00 9:00 21.4 Trans Atlantic
13:30 9:30 6.516 / 6.224 / 6.227 / 6.230 Cruiseheimers Net Winter
14:00 10:00 6.209 / 6.212 / 6.516 NW Caribbean (6.209 Primary; 6.212 / 6.516 Secondary)
14:00 10:00 8.143 / 8.137 / 8155 / 6C Panama Pacific Net
21:30 17:30 7.086 Caribbean Cocktail & Weather Net (George) 
22:00 18:00 6.209 / 6.212 / 6.516 Caribbean vessels underway evening check-in
22:30 18:30 3.815 Caribbean Emergency & Weather Net



  • Origional data due to Dock Side Radio, listings have been edited and updated by me. All errors are mine.
  • Ham Frequencies are indicated by Red.
  • Chris Parker transmits on both frequencies indicated (Simulcast)
  • All marine frequencies are USB. Ham frequencies above 8 MHz are USB (otherwise LSB)