S/V Wild Matilda - Sailing and Photography

Waypoints to Guyana

Name Lat Long Notes Source Dist to Next WP (NM)
GTR01 10  56.000' N 060  41.000' W Start point off East coast of Trinidad DG
GTR02 10  45.000' N 060  25.000' W DG 22.11
GTR03 8  00.000' N 058  30.000' W DG 230.84
Approach to East Channel
GSL01 7  15.000' N 058  10.000' W Outer lineup  WPT north approach DG 56.69
TL1 7  03.850' N 058  05.790' W Approach point TLB  
TL2 7  00.988' N 058  11.355' W Pile Passage TLB  
GSL02 7  00.000' N 057  50.000' W Outer lineup WPT south approach DG  
GUES01 7  01.400' N 058  11.400' W Essequibo (0.5 mile S) DG 15.76
GUES02 6  57.000' N 058  16.000' W Between Bluejackets and Leguan Banks (4.7 nm. to GUE03) DG 7.31
GUES03 6  54.500' N 058  20.000' W In Ship Chnl. W of Middle Ground DG 5.41
TL3 6  54.874' N 058  23.536' W Enterprise Stelling Anchorage TLB  
Approach to and West Channel
DGA0 7  23.000' N 058  21.300' W West Chanel Entrance DGAD  
DGA1 7  10.400' N 058  22.400' W   DGAD  
DGA2 7  08.800' N 058  24.200' W   DGAD  
DGA3 7  01.500' N 058  26.900' W   DGAD  
DGA4 6  57.000' N 058  28.900' W   DGAD  
DGA5 6  53.330' N 058  32.160' W   DGAD  
DGA6 6  49.350' N 058  34.140' W   DGAD  
DGA7 6  48.450' N 058  34.300' W   DGAD  
DGA8 6  45.690' N 058  34.090' W   DGAD  
DGA9 6  43.130' N 058  34.290' W   DGAD  
DGA10 6  41.040' N 058  34.490' W Then continue to waypoint GUYS09 DGAD  
East Channel
GUYS01 6  51.900' N 058  25.500' W Parika Stelling DG 6.97
GUYS02 6  51.450' N 058  26.130' W Two Brothers wharf DG 0.89
GUYS03 6  50.000' N 058  27.700' W Along the E shore of the river DG 2.45
GUYS04 6  47.350' N 058  30.020' W North end of Fort Island close to the west DG 4.05
GUYS05 6  45.850' N 058  31.260' W Pass between Fort Island and smaller islands to the east DG 2.24
GUYS06 6  43.000' N 058  32.400' W Stay between islands DG 3.54
GUYS07 6  40.500' N 058  33.750' W Close to E shore DG 3.27
GUYS07 Rev. 6  40.850' N 058  33.640' W Suggested Revised location of waypoint DGAD  
GUYS08 6  38.700' N 058  34.300' W E shore line about 100 meters off DG 2.17
Combined Channel
GUYS09 6  36.250' N 058  34.650' W Between No. 19 chnl. mark and the E shore DG 2.85
GUYS10 6  34.200' N 058  35.500' W 1/4 way across the river from E DG 2.56
GUYS11 6  32.590' N 058  35.050' W Close to E shore DG 1.93
GUYS11 Rev. 6  32.590' N 058  35.110' W Suggested Revised location of waypoint DGAD  
GUYS12 6  31.220' N 058  34.570' W Close to E shore in deep DG 1.67
GUYS12 Rev. 6  31.220' N 058  34.590' W Suggested Revised location of waypoint DGAD  
GUYS13 6  30.420' N 058  34.580' W Close to E shore DG 0.92
GUYS13A - New 6  29.880' N 058  34.910' W Suggested New Waypoint - Ampa. Point DGAD  
GUYS13B - New 6  29.120' N 058  35.220' W waypoint between Dahli Island and the E bank DGAD  
GUYS14 6  29.370' N 058  35.120' W Shanklands Resort DG 1.36
GUYS15 6  27.900' N 058  35.080' W 0.5 mile S of Makauria Island DG 1.70
GUYS16 6  26.660' N 058  35.500' W Sandy cliffs on nearby E shore DG 1.51
GUYS17 6  26.300' N 058  36.500' W At SW end of Rattlesnake Passage DG 1.22
GUYS18 6  25.700' N 058  36.700' W Close to No. 31 buoy and Rattlesnake Rock DG 0.73
GUYS19 6  24.070' N 058  37.000' W Off Bartica. DG 1.91
TL4 6  24.193' N 058  37.017' W Cool Breeze Anchorage   TLB  
GUYS20 6  23.780' N 058  37.030' W south end of Bartica DG 0.34
GUYS21 6  23.025' N 058  36.750' W Midway between Lamun Island and the W shore. DG 0.93
GUYS22 6  22.730' N 058  36.770' W About 50 metres N of a rock with 2-3 trees. DG 0.34
      Bernhard's suggestion to delete GUYS22,  pass 0.15 meters E of rock DGAD  
DGA11 6  22.300' N 058  36.590' W 100 meters E of rock DGAD  
ROCK1 6  22.280' N 058  36.614' W Do It Rock TLB  
ROCK2 6  22.280' N 058  36.641' W Do It Rock - alternate position DGAD  
GUYS23 6  20.200' N 058  35.920' W Across the river from the Baganara Resort. DG 3.07
GUYS24 6  20.100' N 058  35.700' W Good anchorage off Baganara resort. DG 0.28
Waypoint GUYS14 to Kit & Gem's Place
GUYK01 6  29.145' N 058  35.392' W Shanklands to Hurakabra 01 DG
GUYK02 6  28.470' N 058  35.920' W Shanklands to Hurakabra 02 mid channel DG 0.99
GUYK03 6  28.229' N 058  36.730' W Shanklands to Hurakabra 03 west bank DG 0.97
GUYK04 6  27.423' N 058  37.158' W Shanklands to Hurakabra 04 clearing dy rock DG 1.05
GUYK05 6  27.131' N 058  37.454' W Hurakabra anchorage DG 0.48
Waypoint GSYS19 or GSYS20 to Hurakabra
GUH1 6  24.910' N 058  36.810' W Bartica to Hurakabra start DG
GUH2 6  25.140' N 058  36.970' W clears shoasl south of Bartica DG 0.32
GUH3 6  25.460' N 058  37.840' W North of Kaow I DG 1.06
GUH4 6  25.700' N 058  37.760' W Kaow I north west DG 0.29
GUH5 6  26.280' N 058  37.520' W Kaow I south west DG 0.72
GUH6 6  26.620' N 058  37.770' W West bank of river, Joyce's house04 DG 0.49

Source Abbreviations::

  • DG - Doyle Guide - Basic, downloaded from site.
  • DGAD - Doyle Guide - Addendum
  • TLB - Tiger Lily Blog
  • Note: Much of this data has been passed on from earlier sailors. These waypoints have been used by several dozen boats to my knowledge with out any incident. Of course the usual cautions apply.

    Note 2: The greatest hazard to navigation are the number of drift nets that may span a large portion of the river and may float free with the tide or be anchored on one end. They are usually tended by a boat at one end, but no always.